Details of all my
books are available on this
website. I have also archived on this site a wide range of newspaper
articles and reports which I have written over the years. This includes work
undertaken for a number of international and national organisations and for
UK newspapers including The Observer, The Independent, The Guardian and
Financial Times. If you wish to access anything from this archived material,
please go to my home page.
Contact Andrew Bibby
Co-operatives and mutuality

This section of my website offers a selection of my writings on issues relating to co-operative forms of business, community-based social enterprise and mutuality.
My latest book is
Houses are Ours: Co-operative and Community-led housing alternatives,
(Gritstone Publishing, 2023). More details on a dedicated webpage here.

Have a look! Want to know if this
book is one you'll want to buy?
Have a look here at the extracts
from three chapters, together with the book's contents page and index.
"What a fantastically researched and well
written history of the co-operative housing movement,
formed around the period from 1870 up
until the 1919 Addison Act. Andrew Bibby is clearly a
supporter and advocate for co-operative
and community-led housing solutions, and this shows
in the research and intricate detail of
the book." - Journal of Co-operative Studies
guest post on the Municipal Dreams blog site with more
information about the book was published on Feb 14 2023
This journal article also covers some of the same ground as the book:
Journal articles
The Gritstone Publishing
Co-operative Model Seven Years On (Journal of
Co-operative Studies, Summer 2023)
Below the Radar: England's early co-operative and co-partnership tenant
societies today (Journal of Co-operative Societies, Vol. 55
(1), 2022)
Research paper:
Cooperatives with multi-stakeholder membership: learning from the experience
of an early British experiment. (This paper was written in 2015 and presented at the
ILO/ICA Cooperatives and World of Work research conference.)
Jesse Gray's
role in the development of the British Co-operative Movement (Journal
of UK Society for Co-operative Studies, 51:3, Winter 2018)
All Our Own Work (Merlin Press,

My history of the workers who successfully ran their own
textile mill, one of the most significant of Britain's nineteenth century
manufacturing cooperatives, has been very well-reviewed. Visit the dedicated
webpage for mor information.
Good practice guidance for cooperatives on social and environmental performance (submission to the International Co-operative Alliance, March 2014)
Cooperative Advocacy: A Practical Guide for Advocating Cooperative Legal and Regulatory Reform
(Nov 2013) For the US Overseas Cooperative Development Council, as part of
the CLARITY (The Cooperative Law and Regulation Initiative) project.

After the Crash: Building a new economic future the co-operative way. (Nov 2009) This report, commissioned by the Co-operative Group, suggests that the co-operative business model offers a way to build strong, profitable businesses which are sustainable in the long-term, both environmentally and financially. Includes several case studies.

From Colleagues to Owners: transferring ownership to employees. A report (June 2009) for the Employee Ownership Association with ten case studies (including Martin Currie, Wilkin and Son, Herga, UBH International, CPCR, AG Parfett & Sons, GLL, Child Base).
My report Meeting housing needs the Co-operative way is published by Co-operatives UK. Two short extracts, published in New Sector magazine, can also be accessed.

The booklet HIV/AIDS and co-operatives (published March 2006) was written for the UK Co-operative College. Also still available is the first edition of Making a Difference: Co-operative solutions to global poverty (2005), co-written with Linda Shaw, also for the UK Co-operative College (now revised). Both PDF format.

Dec 2006: A second edition of Climbing the Ladder: step by step finance for social enterprise, written for Social Enterprise London, is available
here (PDF).
Tanzania's co-operatives look to the future (written Jan 2006) reports on the country's co-op reform and modernisation programme.
The quest for capital in values-driven businesses. This is an expanded version of material contributed to the book Co-operative Capital (published Autumn 2004 by Co-operative Action - news story here) . The report explores the relationship between ethical/socially responsible investors and co-operatives/social enterprises. Includes an overview of ethical investment in the UK, 'alternative' share issues, and ethical venture capital. Short case studies include Traidcraft, Centre for Alternative Technology, Bay Wind.
The report Financial participation by employees in co-operatives in Britain includes an overview of the UK co-operative movement, an analysis of use by UK consumer co-ops of all-employee share ownership plans, and information on financial investment by members of workers' co-ops. The report was written in 2004 for the European project Confidence.
Three in-depth case studies (written late 2001) are
now purely of historical interest:
My paper Co-operative Working and Community Projects (1986-7) is primarily of historical interest. Written over
thirty-five years ago, it raised issues (including co-operative delivery of public services and 'stakeholder' approaches to co-operative structures) more widely debated today. And from even deeper in the archives comes an article Co-ops: Thinking politically written in 1979 for the magazine In The Making, exploring some of the contradictions facing co-ops operating within a capitalist economic system.
From my contributions to The Guardian's
former cooperatives and mutuals on-line hub, I've selected the following:
Work for other publications:
Book review: Margaret
Llewelyn Davies (Ruth Cohen) (Co-operative News, 2020)
Catalonia celebrates its co-operative heritage (Co-op News, 2019) -
this is an extended version of the published article
A Better Way of Doing Business?: Lessons from the John Lewis Partnership
(book review), (Co-operative News, 2016)
The co-operative disadvantage: why the movement needs a level playing
field (Co-operative News, 2015)
Credit unions facing the challenges (Co-operative News,
The Right to Buy extension oculd threaten community-led housing (Co-operative
News, 2015)
- Portrait of a chief executive: Jens Henriksson (Folksam, Sweden) (ICMIF Voice magazine, 2014)
- Portrait of a chief executive: Aristotle Alip (CARD) (ICMIF Voice magazine, 2014)
- Portrait of a chief executive: Markus Hongler (Mobiliar) (ICMIF Voice magazine, 2014)
- Receivers called in at Mondragon cooperative (Co-operative News, Nov 2013)
Some articles for The Guardian (2012, 2013):
Other journalism:
- Book review: Building Co-operation, 150 Years of the Co-operative Group (Co-operative News, 2013)
- Portrait of a chief executive: Hilde Vernaillen (P+V) (ICMIF Voice magazine, 2013)
- Portrait of a chief executive: Rafael Moliterno Neto (Seguros Unimed) (ICMIF Voice magazine, 2013)
- Credit unions offer an alternative to high-cost loan sharks (Choice, 2013)
- Aftermath of an earthquake: why AMI had to demutualise (ICMIF Voice magazine, 2012)
- Portrait of a chief executive: Andrew Haigh (Engage Mutual) (ICMIF Voice magazine, 2012)
- Portrait of a chief executive: Tan Suee Chieh (NTUC, Singapore) (ICMIF Voice magazine, 2012)
- Preventing the end-of-the-pier show in Hastings (Choice, 2011)
- Cinema in focus for community takeover (LGC, 2011)
- Public sector workers fight forced mutualisation (PCS View, 2011)
- Portrait of a chief executive: Raúl Colombetti (Sancor) (ICMIF Voice magazine, 2011)
- Portrait of a chief executive: Wolfgang Weiler (HUK-Coburg) (ICMIF Voice magazine, 2011)
- Portrait of a chief executive: Mogens Skov (Købstædernes Forsikring) (ICMIF Voice magazine, 2011)
- Ed Mayo: leading the UK's cooperatives (ICMIF Voice magazine, 2011)
- Portrait of a chief executive: Syed Moheeb (Takaful Ikhlas) (ICMIF Voice magazine, 2011)
- Portrait of a chief executive: Anders Sundström (Folksam)(ICMIF Voice
magazine, 2010)
- Cooperatives and the Crisis: "Our customers are also our owners" (World of Work
magazine, 2010) Also available in
French and
- Harnessing the river Ribble's power in Settle (Choice, 2010)
- Portrait of a chief executive: Lindsay Sinclair (NFU Mutual)(ICMIF Voice
magazine, 2010)
- Portrait of a chief executive: Juan Carlos Lucio Godoy (Río Uruguay) (ICMIF Voice
magazine, 2009)
- Portrait of a chief executive: Kazumi Imao
(Zenkyoren, Japan)(ICMIF Voice magazine, 2009)
- Portrait of a chief executive: Grzegorz Buczkowski (TUW SKOK)(ICMIF Voice
magazine, 2009)
- Children's nursery chain Child Base moves towards employee ownership (Financial Times,
- Canadian insurer The Co-operators aims for sustainability (ICMIF Voice
magazine, 2008)
- Profile of a chief executive: Friedrich Caspers (R+V) (ICMIF Voice
magazine, 2008)
- Profile of a chief executive: Rolf-Peter Hoenen (HUK-Coburg insurers)(ICMIF Voice
magazine, 2008)
- Phone Co-op proves there's life yet in the old consumer co-operative model (Financial Times,
- Co-operative solutions to housing problems (New Sector, 2008)
- Co-housing: combining the benefits of private space and communal living (New Sector, 2008)
- On track: how communities are working to defend their rail services (Choice magazine, 2008)
- Transferring public assets into community ownership (Choice
magazine, 2008)
- An introduction to social enterprise (Choice magazine, 2008)
- Profile of a chief executive: Asmo Kalpala (Tapiola, Finland)(ICMIF Voice
magazine, 2008)
- Profile of a chief executive: Jacques Forest (P&V cooperative insurers, Belgium) (ICMIF Voice
magazine, 2007)
Profile of a chief executive: Tamotsu Ishikawa (Zenrosai cooperative insurers, Japan)(ICMIF Voice
magazine, 2007)
- Profile of a chief executive: John Balmforth (AMI mutual, New Zealand)(ICMIF Voice
magazine, 2007)
- Standing on their own two feet: cooperative reform in Tanzania (ILO, 2006) Also in
French and
- A personal stake: why employee-owned businesses return more than a profit (World of Work, 2006) Also in
French and
- The boss who gave away the business (Herga) (Financial Times, 2006)
- Employee ownership: when workers own their companies (Financial Times,
- Car clubs - how sharing vehicles can save money (Observer,
- How the ILO is promoting the
Promotion of Co-operatives Recommendation (World of Work,
2005) Also in French and
- Community investment in good food (Observer,
- The role of co-ops for development in Africa (Developments,
- Let's talk about capital for co-operatives, says researcher Jim Brown (Co-operatives,
- Employee buy-outs can offer a welcome exit route for owners (Financial Times, 2004)
- A profile of Triodos Bank (Observer, 2004)
- Fair trade company Cafe Direct looks for ethically-minded shareholders (Observer, 2004)
- The revival of the co-operative idea: the ILO Co-operatives Recommendation one year on (World of Work. 2003) Also in
French and Spanish.
- Poptel: how one workers' co-op was taken over by its investors (Financial Times, 2003)
- APOs: how 'Alternative Public Offerings' for ethically minded shareholders are developing in Britain (Observer, 2003)
- Employee-owned UBH International looks to China for strategic partnership (Financial
Times, 2003)
- Capital needs for employee-owned businesses (Financial Times, 2002)
- Suma workers co-operative 25 years on (Financial Times, 2002)
- Ethical Property Company looks for supportive shareholders (Observer, 2002)
- Renewable Energy Investment Club launches (Observer, 2002)
- Financial protection for UK credit unions (Observer, 2002)
- Co-ops get new .coop top level domain (Commercial client, 2002)
- Yorkshire Dales community bid for capital to reopen railway link (Observer, 2002)
- Building societies, mutuality and member democracy (Observer, 2001)
- Time banks in Britain (Observer, 2001)
- Trying to save the Robin Hood: one Yorkshire communitys efforts to reopen a rural pub (Observer, 2001)
- A new currency in south London: the arrival of 'time money' in Lewisham(Observer, 2000)
- Community banking to help tackle social exclusion to financial services? (Housing magazine, 1999)
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